We use the 5elephants Way to ensure your success.
(1) Clarity: Getting clear on what the real issue and root cause is key.
(2) Conviction: We are solution driven. Being committed to problem solving the issue will help the business move through it.
(3) Care: It is imperative to acknowledge staff, clients, and stakeholders’ responses and allow for concerns, issues, barriers, and reactions.
(4) Continuity: Continue the conversations as needed and follow through until the issue has been addressed, changed, and resolved.
(5) Courage: This is the foundation for each step. It takes courage to implement changes to process, program, and/or service needs. You must be a courageous leader to make the changes your business needs.
Conducting SWOT analysis using staff, client, and stakeholder survey feedback.
Identifying service gaps, root causes, and areas for improvement.
Creating business plans.
Developing strategic plans.
Creating new projects based on identified needs.
Offer Professional Employee Organizational Services.
Staffing and shared business management services, including accounting, human resources, development and marketing, and benefit services.
Creating new projects, policies, and procedures.​
Performing internal control assessments.​
Implementing internal and quality controls and helping businesses become audit ready.​
Simplifying and processing Medicaid billing for nonprofits.​​
Logo and web design and maintenance.